audit and analysis
it audit & analysis services
Fix technical & governance related IT issues, identify operational deficiencies, measure compliance, and reduce risk through the targeted use of Serene Software’s Audits and Analysis services. Serene uses an Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) based approach to provide a clear and unbiased analysis and report on all IV&V engagements. Each engagement is executed as a separate project, with a fixed duration and deliverables, and with clear and independent goals. Each audit results in a report consumable by Management, Operations, and Application Development resources..
Candidate Organizations for Audits
Serene offers both preplanned audits and ad-hoc audit and analysis engagements. Preplanned audits are either ongoing or periodically scheduled engagements to help organizations focus on and improve well identified core competencies. Ad-hoc audits are typically provided in situations where issues have accumulated over time, have become acute, and are associated with “finger pointing/political footballs” that obscure progress. In each case, Serene Audits result in pragmatic plans for progress.
Audit Overviews
- IT Governance/COBiT Audit: Audit provides detailed analysis of how well IT is governed and the quality of outcomes of for the business. Analysis is modeled using a COBiT Model customized to specific customer needs. Audit results are delivered as a clearn and actionable plan for implementing organizational, policy, process and infrastructure changes.
- Application Performance Audit: Audit provides a clear path forward for creating a performance friendly IT environment and/or remediating performance related issues for a trouble application. The audit follows a well worn process to identify issues, manage risk, and improve performance. Issues are analyzed across all system layers including: Hardware, Operating System, Networks, Storage & RDBMS, and Application Services.
- Development Environment Audit: Audit ensures that developers have the tools required to build targeted applications and that their managers have the needed tools to measure and manage developer activities and progress. Audit advice focuses on ways to improve the value delivered by developers.
- Configuration & Build Environment: Audit optimizes the process of moving operational changes and application assemblies to test and production environments. Configuration & build changes can be the source of high impact defects introduced to production. Audit identifies the key defects in the configuration and built processes and delivers plans to remediate them.
- Code Quality Audit: Organizations often do not set and enforce effective code quality rules across their development assets (Java, J2EE, .NET, XML, Ajax/Javascript, etc.). Over time the complexity of variable and low quality code weighs down an effort and progress becomes increasingly difficult. The audit delivers planning to both remediate the existing code assets and to iteratively establish an environment that enforces quality policies and standards.